Markov decision process (MDP) (mlpy.mdp)

Transition and reward models

MDPModelFactory The Markov decision process (MDP) model factory.
IMDPModel The Markov decision process interface.

Discrete models

DiscreteModel The MDP model for discrete states and actions.
DecisionTreeModel The MDP model for discrete states and actions realized with decision trees.

Model explorer

ExplorerFactory The model explorer factory.
RMaxExplorer RMax based exploration base class.
LeastVisitedBonusExplorer Least visited bonus explorer, a RMax based exploration model.
UnknownBonusExplorer Unknown bonus explorer, a RMax based exploration model.

Contiguous models

casml Continuous Action and State Model Learner (CASML)

Probability distributions

ProbaCalcMethodFactory The probability calculation method factory.
IProbaCalcMethod The Probability calculation method interface.
DefaultProbaCalcMethod The default probability calculation method.
ProbabilityDistribution Probability Distribution.

State and action information

Experience Experience base class.
RewardFunction The reward function.
MDPStateActionInfo The models interface.
MDPStateData State information interface.
MDPPrimitive A Markov decision process primitive.
MDPState Representation of the state.
MDPAction Representation of an action.