Source code for mlpy.mdp.stateaction

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import copy
import math
import numpy as np

from .distrib import ProbabilityDistribution

[docs]class Experience(object): """Experience base class. Representation of an experience occurring from acting in the environment. Parameters ---------- state : State The representation of the current state. action : Action The executed action. next_state : State The representation of the state following from acting with `action` in state `state`. reward : int or float The reward awarded by the environment for the state-action pair. Attributes ---------- state : State The experienced state action : Action The experienced action. next_state : State The experienced next state. reward : float The experienced reward. """ __slots__ = ('state', 'action', 'next_state', 'reward') def __init__(self, state, action, next_state, reward=None): self.state = state self.action = action self.next_state = next_state self.reward = reward def __str__(self): s = "state={0} act={1} next_state={2}".format(self.state, self.action, self.next_state) if self.reward else \ "state={0} act={1} reward={2:.2f} next_state={3}".format( self.state, self.action, self.reward, self.next_state) return s
[docs]class RewardFunction(object): """The reward function. The reward function is responsible for calculating the proper value of the reward. Callback functions can be specified for custom calculation of the reward value. Attributes ---------- cb_get : callable Callback function to retrieve the reward value. cb_set : callable Callback function to set the reward value. reward : float The reward value. bonus rmax : float The maximum possible reward. activate_bonus : bool Flag activating/deactivating the bonus. Notes ----- To ensure that the correct value of the reward is being accessed, the user should not access the class variables directly but instead use the methods :meth:`set` and :meth:`get` to set and get the reward respectively. Examples -------- >>> RewardFunction.cb_get = staticmethod(lambda r, s:, RewardFunction.reward)) In this cas the reward function is calculated by taking the dot product of the stored reward and a passed in value. >>> RewardFunction.reward = [0.1, 0.9. 1.0, 0.0] This sets the reward for all instances of the reward function. >>> reward_func = RewardFunction() >>> print reward_func.get([0.9, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0]) 0.54 This calculates the reward `r` according to previously defined the callback function. """ __slots__ = ('_bonus', 'activate_bonus', 'reward', 'rmax', 'cb_get', 'cb_set',) cb_get = None cb_set = None reward = 0.0 rmax = 0.0 activate_bonus = False @property def bonus(self): """The bonus added to the reward to encourage exploration. Returns ------- float : The bonus added to the reward. """ return self._bonus @bonus.setter def bonus(self, value): self._bonus = value def __init__(self): self._bonus = 0.0 """:type: float""" def __getstate__(self): return { 'reward': self.reward, 'rmax': self.rmax, 'bonus': self.bonus, 'activate_bonus': self.activate_bonus } def __setstate__(self, d): for name, value in d.iteritems(): if not name == 'bonus': setattr(type(self), name, value) else: setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def set(self, value, *args, **kwargs): """Set the reward value. If :meth:`cb_set` is set, the callback will be called to set the value. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments passed to the callback. kwargs : dict Non-positional arguments passed to the callback. """ if self.cb_set is not None: type(self).reward = self.cb_set(*args, **kwargs) return type(self).reward = value
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve the reward value. If :meth:`cb_get` is set, the callback will be called to retrieve the value. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Positional arguments passed to the callback. kwargs : dict Non-positional arguments passed to the callback. Returns ------- float : The (calculated) reward value. """ reward = self.reward if self.cb_get is not None: reward = self.cb_get(self.reward, *args, **kwargs) if self.activate_bonus: reward = max(self.reward + self.bonus, self.rmax) return reward
[docs]class StateActionInfo(object): """The models interface. Contains all relevant information predicted by a model for a given state-action pair. This includes the (predicted) reward and transition probabilities to possible next states. Attributes ---------- transition_proba : ProbabilityDistribution The transition probability distribution. reward_func : RewardFunction The reward function. visits : int The number of times the state-action pair has been visited. known : bool Flag indicating whether a reward value is known or not. """ __slots__ = ('transition_proba', 'reward_func', 'visits', 'known') def __init__(self): self.transition_proba = ProbabilityDistribution() self.reward_func = RewardFunction() self.visits = 0 self.known = False def __getstate__(self): data = {} for name in self.__slots__: data[name] = getattr(self, name) return data def __setstate__(self, d): for name, value in d.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs]class StateData(object): """State information interface. Information about the state can be accessed here. Parameters ---------- state_id : int The unique id of the state actions : list[Action] List of actions that can be taken in this state. Attributes ---------- id : int The unique id of the state. models : dict The reward and transition models for each action. q : dict The q-table, containing a q-value for each action. steps_away : int The number of steps the state is away from its closest neighbor. """ __slots__ = ('id', 'models', 'q', 'steps_away') def __init__(self, state_id, actions): = state_id """:type: int""" self.models = {a: StateActionInfo() for a in actions} """:type: dict[Action, StateActionInfo]""" # Randomizing the initial q-values impedes performance # self.q = {a: ((0.01 - 0.0) * np.random.random() + 0.0) for a in actions} self.q = {a: 0.0 for a in actions} """:type: dict[Action, float]""" self.steps_away = 100000 """:type: int""" def __getstate__(self): data = {} for name in self.__slots__: data[name] = getattr(self, name) return data def __setstate__(self, d): for name, value in d.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs]class MDPPrimitive(object): """A Markov decision process primitive. The base class for :class:`State` and :class:`Action`. Primitives are represented by a list of features. They optionally can have a `name`. Parameters ---------- features : array_like, shape (`nfeatures`,) List of features, where `nfeatures` is the number of features identifying the primitive. name : str, optional The name of the primitive. Default is "". Attributes ---------- name dtype : {DTYPE_FLOAT, DTYPE_INT, DTYPE_OBJECT} The type of the features. nfeatures : int The number of features. discretized : bool Flag indicating whether the features are discretized or not. min_features : list The minimum value for each feature. max_features : list The minimum value for each feature. states_per_dim : list The number of states per dimension. description : dict A description of the features. Raises ------ ValueError If the feature array is not one-dimensional. Notes ----- Use the `description` to encode action information. The information should contain the list of all available feature combinations, the name of each feature. :Examples: A description of an action with three possible discrete actions: :: { "out": {"value": [-0.004]}, "in": {"value": [0.004]}, "kick": {"value": [-1.0]} } A description of an action with one possible continuous action with name `move`, a value of `*` allows to find the action for every feature array. Additional information encodes the feature name together with its index into the feature array are given for each higher level element of feature array: :: { "move": { "value": "*", "descr": { "LArm": {"dx": 0, "dy": 1, "dz": 2}, "RArm": {"dx": 3, "dy": 4, "dz": 5}, "LLeg": {"dx": 6, "dy": 7, "dz": 8}, "RLeg": {"dx": 9, "dy": 10, "dz": 11}, "Torso": {"dx": 12, "dy": 13, "dz": 14} } } } Similarly, a continuous state can be encoded as follows, which identifies the name of each feature together with its index into the feature array: :: { "LArm": {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}, "RArm": {"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 5}, "LLeg": {"x": 6, "y": 7, "z": 8}, "RLeg": {"x": 9, "y": 10, "z": 11}, "Torso": {"x": 12, "y": 13, "z": 14} } A discrete state can be encoded by identifying the position of each feature: :: { "image x-position": 0, "displacement (mm)": 1 } Alternatively, the feature can be identified by a list of features, giving he positional description: :: ["image x-position", "displacement (mm)"] Rather then setting the attributes directly, use the methods :meth:`set_nfeatures`, :meth:`set_dtype`, :meth:`set_description`, :meth:`set_discretized`, :meth:`set_minmax_features`, and :meth:`set_states_per_dim` in order to enforce type checking. """ __slots__ = ('dtype', 'nfeatures', 'description', 'discretized', 'min_features', 'max_features', 'states_per_dim', '_features', '_name', 'ix') DTYPE_OBJECT = np.object DTYPE_FLOAT = np.float64 DTYPE_INT = np.int32 dtype = DTYPE_FLOAT nfeatures = None description = None discretized = False min_features = None max_features = None states_per_dim = None @property def name(self): """The name of the MDP primitive. Returns ------- str : The name of the primitive. """ return self._name @classmethod
[docs] def set_nfeatures(cls, n): """Set the number of features. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of features. Raises ------ ValueError If `n` is not of type integer. """ if not isinstance(n, int): raise ValueError("Attribute 'nfeatures' must be of <type 'int'>, got %s" % str(type(n))) cls.nfeatures = n
[docs] def set_dtype(cls, value=DTYPE_FLOAT): """Set the feature's data type. Parameters ---------- value : {DTYPE_FLOAT, DTYPE_INT, DTYPE_OBJECT} The data type. Raises ------ ValueError If the data type is not one of the allowed types. """ if value not in [np.float64, np.int32, np.object]: raise ValueError("Attribute 'dtype' must be one of the allowed types, got %s" % str(type(value))) cls.dtype = value
[docs] def set_description(cls, descr): """Set the feature description. This extracts the number of features from the description and checks that it matches with the `nfeatures`. If `nfeatures` is None, `nfeatures` is set to the extracted value. Parameters ---------- descr : dict The feature description. Raises ------ ValueError If the number of features extracted from the description does not match `nfeatures` or if `name` isn't of type string. Notes ----- Use the `description` to encode action information. The information should contain the list of all available feature combinations, the name of each feature. Examples -------- A description of an action with three possible discrete actions: :: { "out": {"value": [-0.004]}, "in": {"value": [0.004]}, "kick": {"value": [-1.0]} } A description of an action with one possible continuous action with name `move`, a value of `*` allows to find the action for every feature array. Additional information encodes the feature name together with its index into the feature array are given for each higher level element of feature array: :: { "move": { "value": "*", "descr": { "LArm": {"dx": 0, "dy": 1, "dz": 2}, "RArm": {"dx": 3, "dy": 4, "dz": 5}, "LLeg": {"dx": 6, "dy": 7, "dz": 8}, "RLeg": {"dx": 9, "dy": 10, "dz": 11}, "Torso": {"dx": 12, "dy": 13, "dz": 14} } } } Similarly, a continuous state can be encoded as follows, which identifies the name of each feature together with its index into the feature array: :: { "LArm": {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}, "RArm": {"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 5}, "LLeg": {"x": 6, "y": 7, "z": 8}, "RLeg": {"x": 9, "y": 10, "z": 11}, "Torso": {"x": 12, "y": 13, "z": 14} } A discrete state can be encoded by identifying the position of each feature: :: "descr": { "image x-position": 0, "displacement (mm)": 1 } Alternatively, the feature can be identified by a list of features, giving he positional description: :: ["image x-position", "displacement (mm)"] """ nfeatures = None if isinstance(descr, dict): config = descr.itervalues().next() if 'descr' in config: nfeatures = sum(len(v) for v in config['descr'].itervalues()) if cls.nfeatures is not None and not cls.nfeatures == nfeatures: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: array described by 'descr' is a vector of length %d," " but attribute cls.nfeatures = %d" % (nfeatures, cls.nfeatures)) elif 'value' in config and not config['value'] == '*': nfeatures = len(config['value']) if cls.nfeatures is not None and not cls.nfeatures == nfeatures: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: array described by 'value' is a vector of length %d," " but attribute cls.nfeatures = %d" % (nfeatures, cls.nfeatures)) else: nfeatures = sum(len(v) for v in descr.itervalues()) if cls.nfeatures is not None and not cls.nfeatures == nfeatures: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: 'descr' is a vector of length %d," " but attribute cls.nfeatures = %d" % (nfeatures, cls.nfeatures)) elif isinstance(descr, list): nfeatures = len(descr) if cls.nfeatures is not None and not cls.nfeatures == nfeatures: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: 'descr' is a vector of length %d," " but attribute cls.nfeatures = %d" % (nfeatures, cls.nfeatures)) if cls.nfeatures is None: cls.nfeatures = nfeatures cls.description = descr
[docs] def set_discretized(cls, val=False): """Sets the `discretized` flag. Parameters ---------- val : bool Flag identifying whether the features are discretized or not. Default is False. Raises ------ ValueError If `val` is not boolean type. """ if not isinstance(val, bool): raise ValueError("Attribute 'nfeatures' must be of <type 'bool'>, got %s" % str(type(val))) cls.discretized = val
[docs] def set_minmax_features(cls, _min, _max): """Sets the minimum and maximum value for each feature. This extracts the number of features from the `_min` and `_max` values and ensures that it matches with `nfeatures`. If `nfeatures` is None, the `nfeatures` attribute is set to the extracted value. Parameters ---------- _min : array_like, shape(`nfeatures`,) The minimum value for each feature _max : array_like, shape(`nfeatures`,) The maximum value for each feature Raises ------ ValueError If the arrays are not one-dimensional vectors, the shapes of the arrays don't match, or the number of features does not agree with the attribute `nfeatures`. """ _min = np.asarray(_min, dtype=cls.dtype) _max = np.asarray(_max, dtype=cls.dtype) dim = _min.size if dim == 1: _min.shape = (1,) dim = _max.size if dim == 1: _max.shape = (1,) if _min.shape[0] != _max.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: array '_min' is a vector of length %d," " but '_max' is of length %d" % (_min.shape[0], _max.shape[0])) if cls.nfeatures is None: cls.nfeatures = _min.shape[0] if _min.shape[0] != cls.nfeatures: raise ValueError("Arrays '_min' and '_max' must be of length %d." % cls.nfeatures) cls.min_features = _min cls.max_features = _max
[docs] def set_states_per_dim(cls, nstates): """Sets the number of states per feature. This extracts the number of features from `nstates` and compares it to the attribute `nfeatures`. If it doesn't match, an exception is thrown. If the `nfeatures` attribute is None, `nfeatures` is set to the extracted value. Parameters ---------- nstates : array_like, shape (`nfeatures`,) The number of states per features Raises ------ ValueError If the array is not a vector of length `nfeatures`. """ nstates = np.asarray(nstates, dtype=cls.dtype) dim = nstates.size if dim == 1: nstates.shape = (1,) if cls.nfeatures is None: cls.nfeatures = nstates.shape[0] if nstates.ndim != 1 or nstates.shape[0] != cls.nfeatures: raise ValueError("Array 'nstates' must be a vector of length %d." % cls.nfeatures) cls.states_per_dim = nstates
def __init__(self, features, name=None): if type(self).dtype is None: type(self).dtype = MDPPrimitive.DTYPE_FLOAT self._features = np.asarray(features) if self._features.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Array 'features' must be one-dimensional," " but features.ndim = %d" % self._features.ndim) self._name = name if name is not None else "" if not isinstance(self._name, basestring): raise ValueError("'name' must be a string, but got %s" % str(type(self._name))) if type(self).nfeatures is None: type(self).nfeatures = self._features.shape[0] elif not self._features.shape[0] == type(self).nfeatures: raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch: array 'features' is a vector of length %d, but" " attribute cls.nfeatures = %d" % (self._features.shape[0], type(self).nfeatures)) if type(self).discretized and type(self).states_per_dim: self.discretize() # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self._features def __getitem__(self, index): checker = np.vectorize(lambda x: isinstance(x, slice)) if index > len(self) and not np.any(checker(index)): raise IndexError("Assignment index out of range") return self._features[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): if index > len(self): raise IndexError("Assignment index out of range") self._features[index] = value def __len__(self): return len(self._features) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._features def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self._features)) if self._features is not None else None def __eq__(self, other): return np.array_equal(other.get(), self._features) def __sub__(self, other): return self._features - other def __mul__(self, other): return self._features * other def __imul__(self, other): self._features *= other return self def __iter__(self): self.ix = 0 return self def __str__(self): features = np.array_str(self.encode()) return "\'" + self._name + "\':\t" + features if self._name else features def __repr__(self): features = np.array_str(self.encode()) return "\'" + self._name + "\':\t" + features if self._name else features
[docs] def next(self): if self.ix == len(self): raise StopIteration item = self._features[self.ix] self.ix += 1 return item
def __copy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k in self.__slots__: try: setattr(result, k, copy.copy(getattr(self, k))) except AttributeError: pass return result def __getstate__(self): data = {} for name in self.__slots__: if not name == 'ix': data[name] = getattr(self, name) return data def __setstate__(self, d): for name, value in d.iteritems(): if name not in ['nfeatures', 'dtype', 'description', 'discretized', 'min_features', 'max_features', 'states_per_dim']: setattr(self, name, value) type(self).nfeatures = self._features.shape[0]
[docs] def get(self): """Return the feature array. Returns ------- ndarray : The feature array. """ return self._features
[docs] def tolist(self): """Returns the feature array as a list. Returns ------- list : The features list. """ return self._features.tolist()
[docs] def set(self, features): """Sets the feature array to the given array. Parameters ---------- features : array_like, shape (`nfeatures`,) The new feature values. """ features = np.asarray(features, dtype=type(self).dtype) if features.ndim != 1 or features.shape[0] != type(self).nfeatures: raise ValueError("Array 'features' must be a vector of length %d." % type(self).nfeatures) self._features = np.asarray(features)
[docs] def discretize(self): """Discretizes the state. Discretize the state using the information from the minimum and maximum values for each feature and the number of states attributed to each feature. """ if not self.discretized: return nfeatures = type(self).nfeatures min_features = type(self).min_features max_features = type(self).max_features states_per_dim = type(self).states_per_dim if min_features is None or min_features.shape[0] != nfeatures: raise ValueError("Attribute 'min_features' must be a vectors of length %d." % nfeatures) if max_features is None or max_features.shape[0] != nfeatures: raise ValueError("Attribute 'max_features' must be a vectors of length %d." % nfeatures) if states_per_dim is None or states_per_dim.shape[0] != nfeatures: raise ValueError("Attribute 'states_per_dim' must be a vectors of length %d." % nfeatures) ds = [] for i, feat in enumerate(self): factor = math.ceil( (max_features[i] - min_features[i]) / states_per_dim[i]) if feat > 0: bin_num = int((feat + factor / 2) / factor) else: bin_num = int((feat - factor / 2) / factor) ds.append(bin_num * factor) self._features = np.asarray(ds)
[docs] def encode(self): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal """Encodes the state into a human readable representation. Returns ------- ndarray : The encoded state. Notes ----- Optionally this method can be overwritten at runtime. Examples -------- >>> def my_encode(self) ... pass ... >>> MDPPrimitive.encode = my_encode """ return self._features
[docs] def decode(cls, _repr): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal """Decodes the state into its original representation. Parameters ---------- _repr : tuple The readable representation of the primitive. Returns ------- State : The decoded state. Notes ----- Optionally this method can be overwritten at runtime. Examples -------- >>> def my_decode(cls, _repr) ... pass ... >>> MDPPrimitive.decode = classmethod(my_decode) """ return cls(_repr)
[docs] def key_to_index(key): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal """Maps internal name to group index. Maps the internal name of a feature to the index of the corresponding feature grouping. For example for a feature vector consisting of the x-y-z position of the left and the right arm, the features for the left and the right arm can be extracted separately as a group, effectively splitting the feature vector into two vectors with x, y, and z at the positions specified by the the mapping of this function. Parameters ---------- key : str The key into the mapping Returns ------- int : The index in the feature array. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. Notes ----- Optionally this method can be overwritten at runtime. Examples -------- >>> def my_key_to_index(key) ... return { ... "x": 0, ... "y": 1, ... "z": 2 ... }[key] ... >>> State.description = {'LArm': {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} ... 'RArm': {'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'z': 5}} >>> State.key_to_index = staticmethod(my_key_to_index) This specifies the mapping in both direction. >>> state = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3. 4.6. 2.5. 0.9] >>> >>> mapping = State.description['LArm'] >>> >>> larm = np.zeros[len(mapping.keys())] >>> for key, axis in mapping.iteritems(): ... larm[State.key_to_index(key)] = state[axis] ... >>> print larm [0.1, 0.4, 0.3] This extracts the features for the left arm from the `state` vector. """ raise NotImplementedError
# noinspection PyAbstractClass,PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class State(MDPPrimitive): """Representation of the state. States are represented by an array of features. Parameters ---------- features : array_like, shape (`nfeatures`,) List of features, where `nfeatures` is the number of features identifying the primitive. name : str, optional The name of the primitive. Default is ''. Attributes ---------- name dtype : {DTYPE_FLOAT, DTYPE_INT, DTYPE_OBJECT} The type of the features. nfeatures : int The number of features. discretized : bool Flag indicating whether the features are discretized or not. min_features : list The minimum value for each feature. max_features : list The minimum value for each feature. states_per_dim : list The number of states per dimension. description : dict A description of the features. Notes ----- Use the `description` to encode action information. The information should contain the list of all available feature combinations, the name of each feature. :Examples: A description of an action with three possible discrete actions: :: { "out": {"value": [-0.004]}, "in": {"value": [0.004]}, "kick": {"value": [-1.0]} } A description of an action with one possible continuous action with name `move`, a value of `*` allows to find the action for every feature array. Additional information encodes the feature name together with its index into the feature array are given for each higher level element of feature array: :: { "move": { "value": "*", "descr": { "LArm": {"dx": 0, "dy": 1, "dz": 2}, "RArm": {"dx": 3, "dy": 4, "dz": 5}, "LLeg": {"dx": 6, "dy": 7, "dz": 8}, "RLeg": {"dx": 9, "dy": 10, "dz": 11}, "Torso": {"dx": 12, "dy": 13, "dz": 14} } } } Similarly, a continuous state can be encoded as follows, which identifies the name of each feature together with its index into the feature array: :: { "LArm": {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}, "RArm": {"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 5}, "LLeg": {"x": 6, "y": 7, "z": 8}, "RLeg": {"x": 9, "y": 10, "z": 11}, "Torso": {"x": 12, "y": 13, "z": 14} } A discrete state can be encoded by identifying the position of each feature: :: { "image x-position": 0, "displacement (mm)": 1 } Alternatively, the feature can be identified by a list of features, giving he positional description: :: ["image x-position", "displacement (mm)"] Rather then setting the attributes directly, use the methods :meth:`set_nfeatures`, :meth:`set_dtype`, :meth:`set_description`, :meth:`set_discretized`, :meth:`set_minmax_features`, and :meth:`set_states_per_dim` in order to enforce type checking. Examples -------- >>> State.description = {'LArm': {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} ... 'RArm': {'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'z': 5}} This description identifies the features to be the x-y-z-position of the left and the right arm. The position into the feature array is given by the integer numbers. >>> def my_key_to_index(key) ... return { ... "x": 0, ... "y": 1, ... "z": 2 ... }[key] ... >>> State.key_to_index = staticmethod(my_key_to_index) This defines a mapping for each key. >>> state = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3. 4.6. 2.5. 0.9] >>> >>> mapping = State.description['LArm'] >>> >>> larm = np.zeros[len(mapping.keys())] >>> for key, axis in mapping.iteritems(): ... larm[State.key_to_index(key)] = state[axis] ... >>> print larm [0.1, 0.4, 0.3] This extracts the features for the left arm from the `state` vector. >>> s1 = State([0.1, 0.4, 0.2]) >>> s2 = State([0.5, 0.3, 0.5]) >>> print s1 - s2 [-0.4, 0.1, -0.3] Subtract states from each other. >>> print s1 * s2 [0.05, 0.12, 0.1] Multiplies two states with each other. >>> s1 *= s2 >>> print s1 [0.05, 0.12, 0.1] Multiplies two states in place. """ initial_states = None """List of initial states. :type: str | list""" terminal_states = None """List of terminal states. :type: str | list""" def __init__(self, features, name=None): super(State, self).__init__(features, name)
[docs] def is_initial(self): """Checks if the state is an initial state. Returns ------- bool : Whether the state is an initial state or not. """ if State.initial_states is None: return False if isinstance(State.initial_states, list): return in State.initial_states return == self.initial_states
[docs] def is_terminal(self): """Checks if the state is a terminal state. Returns ------- bool : Whether the state is a terminal state or not. """ if State.terminal_states is None: return False if isinstance(State.terminal_states, list): return in State.terminal_states return == self.terminal_states
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def is_valid(self): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyUnusedLocal """Check if this state is a valid state. Returns ------- bool : Whether the state is valid or not. Notes ----- Optionally this method can be overwritten at runtime. Examples -------- >>> def my_is_valid(self) ... pass ... >>> MDPPrimitive.is_valid = my_is_valid """ return True
# noinspection PyAbstractClass,PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class Action(MDPPrimitive): """Representation of an action. Actions are represented by an array of features. Parameters ---------- features : array_like, shape (`nfeatures`,) List of features, where `nfeatures` is the number of features identifying the primitive. name : str, optional The name of the primitive. Default is ''. Attributes ---------- name dtype : {DTYPE_FLOAT, DTYPE_INT, DTYPE_OBJECT} The type of the features. nfeatures : int The number of features. discretized : bool Flag indicating whether the features are discretized or not. min_features : list The minimum value for each feature. max_features : list The minimum value for each feature. states_per_dim : list The number of states per dimension. description : dict A description of the features. Notes ----- Use the `description` to encode action information. The information should contain the list of all available feature combinations, the name of each feature. :Examples: A description of an action with three possible discrete actions: :: { "out": {"value": [-0.004]}, "in": {"value": [0.004]}, "kick": {"value": [-1.0]} } A description of an action with one possible continuous action with name `move`, a value of `*` allows to find the action for every feature array. Additional information encodes the feature name together with its index into the feature array are given for each higher level element of feature array: :: { "move": { "value": "*", "descr": { "LArm": {"dx": 0, "dy": 1, "dz": 2}, "RArm": {"dx": 3, "dy": 4, "dz": 5}, "LLeg": {"dx": 6, "dy": 7, "dz": 8}, "RLeg": {"dx": 9, "dy": 10, "dz": 11}, "Torso": {"dx": 12, "dy": 13, "dz": 14} } } } Similarly, a continuous state can be encoded as follows, which identifies the name of each feature together with its index into the feature array: :: { "LArm": {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}, "RArm": {"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 5}, "LLeg": {"x": 6, "y": 7, "z": 8}, "RLeg": {"x": 9, "y": 10, "z": 11}, "Torso": {"x": 12, "y": 13, "z": 14} } A discrete state can be encoded by identifying the position of each feature: :: { "image x-position": 0, "displacement (mm)": 1 } Alternatively, the feature can be identified by a list of features, giving he positional description: :: ["image x-position", "displacement (mm)"] Rather then setting the attributes directly, use the methods :meth:`set_nfeatures`, :meth:`set_dtype`, :meth:`set_description`, :meth:`set_discretized`, :meth:`set_minmax_features`, and :meth:`set_states_per_dim` in order to enforce type checking. Examples -------- >>> Action.set_description({'LArm': {'dx': 0, 'dy': 1, 'dz': 2} ... 'RArm': {'dx': 3, 'dy': 4, 'dz': 5}}) This description identifies the features to be the delta x-y-z-position of the left and the right arm. The position into the feature array is given by the integer numbers. >>> def my_key_to_index(key) ... return { ... "dx": 0, ... "dy": 1, ... "dz": 2 ... }[key] ... >>> Action.key_to_index = staticmethod(my_key_to_index) This defines a mapping for each key. >>> action = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3. 4.6. 2.5. 0.9] >>> >>> mapping = Action.description['LArm'] >>> >>> larm = np.zeros[len(mapping.keys())] >>> for key, axis in mapping.iteritems(): ... larm[Action.key_to_index(key)] = action[axis] ... >>> print larm [0.1, 0.4, 0.3] This extracts the features for the left arm from the `action` vector. >>> a1 = Action([0.1, 0.4, 0.2]) >>> a2 = Action([0.5, 0.3, 0.5]) >>> print a1 - a2 [-0.4, 0.1, -0.3] Subtract actions from each other. >>> print a1 * a2 [0.05, 0.12, 0.1] Multiplies two actions with each other. >>> a1 *= a2 >>> print a1 [0.05, 0.12, 0.1] Multiplies two actions in place. """ def __init__(self, features, name=None): super(Action, self).__init__(features, name) self._name = name if name is not None else Action.get_name(self._features) @classmethod
[docs] def get_name(cls, features): """Retrieves the name of the action. Retrieve the name of the action using the action's description. In the case that all features are zero the action is considered a `no-op` action. Parameters ---------- features : ndarray A feature array. Returns ------- str : The name of the action. """ features = np.asarray(features, dtype=cls.dtype) if cls.description is not None: for e, config in cls.description.iteritems(): if np.asarray(config["value"]).shape != features.shape: ValueError("Dimension mismatch: array 'config['value']' is vector of length %d," " but 'features' is a vector of length %d." % (np.asarray(config["value"]).shape[0], features.shape[0])) if config["value"] == features or config["value"] == "*": return e if not features.any(): return "no-op" return ""
[docs] def get_noop_action(cls): """Creates a `no-op` action. A `no-op` action does not have any effect. Returns ------- Action : A `no-op` action. """ if not isinstance(cls.nfeatures, int): raise ValueError("Attribute 'nfeatures' must be of <type 'int'>, got %s" % str(type(cls.nfeatures))) return cls(np.zeros(cls.nfeatures), "no-op")