Source code for mlpy.optimize.algorithms

.. module:: mlpy.optimize.algorithms
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Optimization algorithms.

.. moduleauthor:: Astrid Jackson <>
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from six.moves import range

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from .utils import is_converged

[docs]class EM(object): """Expectation-Maximization module base class. Representation of the expectation-maximization (EM) model. This class allows for the execution of the expectation- maximization algorithm by providing functionality for random restarts and convergence checking. See the instance documentation for details specific to a particular implementation of the EM algorithm. Parameters ---------- n_iter : int, optional The number of iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional The convergence threshold. Default is 1e-4. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. See Also -------- :class:`.HMM`, :class:`.GMM` Notes ----- Classes that deriving from the EM base class must overwrite the following private functions: _initialize(obs, init_count) Perform initialization before entering the EM algorithm. The expected parameters are: obs : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `nfeatures`) List of observation sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th observation, and each observation has `nfeatures` features. init_count : int Restart counter. _estep(obs) Perform the expectation step of the EM algorithm and return the log likelihood of the observation `obs`. The expected parameters are: obs : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `nfeatures`) List of observation sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th observation, and each observation has `nfeatures` features. _mstep() Perform maximization step of the EM algorithm. Optionally, the private function :meth:`_plot` can be overwritten to visualize the results at each iteration. The :meth:`_plot` function is called by the EM algorithm before the maximization step is performed. The deriving class must call the private method ``_em(x, n_init=None)`` to initiate the the EM algorithm. Pass the following parameters: x : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `ndim`) List of data sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th sequence, and each data point in the sequence has `ndim` dimensions. n_init : int, optional Number of restarts to prevent getting stuck in a local minimum. Default is 1. The function returns the log likelihood of the data sequences `x`. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.optimize.algorithms import EM >>> >>> class MyEM(EM): ... def _initialize(self, obs, init_count): ... pass ... ... def _estep(self, obs): ... pass ... ... def _mstep(self): ... pass ... ... def _plot(self): ... pass ... ... def fit(self, x): ... return self._em(x, n_init=5) ... This creates a new class capable of performing the expectation-maximization algorithm. .. note:: Adapted from: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, n_iter=None, thresh=None, verbose=None): self._n_iter = 100 if n_iter is None else n_iter self._thresh = 1e-4 if thresh is None else thresh self._verbose = False if verbose is None else verbose @abstractmethod def _initialize(self, obs, init_count): """Perform an initialization step before entering the EM algorithm. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `nfeatures`) List of observation sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th observation, and each observation has `nfeatures` features. init_count : int Restart counter. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _estep(self, obs): """Perform the expectation step of the EM algorithm. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `nfeatures`) List of observation sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th observation, and each observation has `nfeatures` features. Returns ------- sufficient_stats: Expected sufficient statistics according to emission. loglik: Log likelihood of the observation `obs`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _mstep(self): """Perform maximization step of the EM algorithm. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _plot(self): """Plot the data. Notes ----- Overwrite this function to plot data during the EM step. """ pass def _em(self, x, n_init=None, init_count=None): """Perform the expectation-maximization algorithm. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`n`, `ni`, `ndim`) List of data sequences, where `n` is the number of sequences, `ni` is the length of the i_th sequence, and each data point in the sequence has `ndim` dimensions. n_init : int, optional Number of restarts to prevent getting stuck in a local minimum. Default is 1. init_count : int, optional The number of random restarts already performed. Default is 0. Returns ------- float : Log likelihood of the data sequences `x`. """ n_init = 1 if n_init is None else n_init if n_init < 1: raise ValueError('{0} estimation requires at least one run'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) init_count = 0 if init_count is None else init_count if n_init > 1: models = [] ll_hists = [] best_ll = np.zeros(n_init) init_model = self.__dict__.copy() for i in range(n_init): if self._verbose: print("\n********** Random Restart {0} **********".format(i+1)) ll_hists.append(self._em(x, init_count=i)) models.append(self.__dict__.copy()) self.__dict__ = init_model best_ll[i] = ll_hists[i][-1] best_ndx = best_ll.argmax() self.__dict__ = models[best_ndx] return ll_hists[best_ndx] if self._verbose: print("initializing model for EM") self._initialize(x, init_count) ndx = 0 done = False loglik_hist = np.zeros(self._n_iter) while not done: # stats, loglik_hist[ndx] = self._estep(x) loglik_hist[ndx] = self._estep(x) if self._verbose: print("\t{0} loglik: {1}".format(ndx+1, loglik_hist[ndx])) self._plot() self._mstep() if ndx >= self._n_iter - 1: break elif ndx > 0: done = is_converged(loglik_hist[ndx], loglik_hist[ndx - 1], thresh=self._thresh) ndx += 1 return loglik_hist[0:ndx]