
class mlpy.mdp.continuous.casml.CASML(cbtdata, cbvdata=None, ncomponents=1, proba_calc_method=None, actions=None, n_init=1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: mlpy.mdp.IMDPModel

Continuous Action and State Model Learner (CASML).


cbtdata : CbTData

The transition case base data.

cbvdata : CbVData

The value case base data.

ncomponents : int, optional

Number of states of the hidden Markov model. Default is 1.

proba_calc_method : str, optional

The method used to calculate the probability distribution for the initial states. Default is DefaultProbaCalcMethod.

actions : list or dict, optional

A list of possible discrete actions.


mid The module’s unique identifier.


fit(obs, actions[, rewards, n_init]) Fit the CaseBase and the HMM.
get_actions([state]) Retrieve the available actions for the given state.
init() Initialize the MDP model.
load(filename) Load the state of the module from file.
predict_proba(state, action) Predict the probability distribution.
retrieve(case_base, state, action[, ...])
sample([state, action]) Sample from the probability distribution.
save(filename) Save the current state of the module to file.
update(experience) Update the model with the agent’s experience.