

Maps internal name to group index.

Maps the internal name of a feature to the index of the corresponding feature grouping. For example for a feature vector consisting of the x-y-z position of the left and the right arm, the features for the left and the right arm can be extracted separately as a group, effectively splitting the feature vector into two vectors with x, y, and z at the positions specified by the the mapping of this function.


key : str

The key into the mapping


int :

The index in the feature array.



If the child class does not implement this function.


Optionally this method can be overwritten at runtime.


>>> def my_key_to_index(key)
...     return {
...         "x": 0,
...         "y": 1,
...         "z": 2
...     }[key]
>>> MDPState.description = {'LArm': {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
...                      'RArm': {'x': 3, 'y': 4, 'z': 5}}
>>> MDPState.key_to_index = staticmethod(my_key_to_index)

This specifies the mapping in both direction.

>>> state = [0.1, 0.4, 0.3. 4.6. 2.5. 0.9]
>>> mapping = MDPState.description['LArm']
>>> larm = np.zeros[len(mapping.keys())]
>>> for key, axis in mapping.iteritems():
...     larm[MDPState.key_to_index(key)] = state[axis]
>>> print larm
[0.1, 0.4, 0.3]

This extracts the features for the left arm from the state vector.