Source code for mlpy.auxiliary.datasets

.. module:: mlpy.auxiliary.dataset
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Manages recording of data.

.. moduleauthor:: Astrid Jackson <>
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np
from .io import load_from_file, save_to_file

[docs]class DataSet(object): """The data set. The data set class a container for tracked data. Data can be tracked by adding a ``field`` for the data of interest. A :class:`numpy.ndarray` is created for every field that is added for recording. Optionally a `description` and a :class:`numpy.dtype` can be associated with the field. Parameters ---------- capacity : int The initial capacity of the record. Defaults to 10. filename : str The name of the file to load from/save to the record. append : bool Whether to append to the existing records loaded from file or to overwrite data. Defaults to ``False``. Examples -------- Creating a new dataset that stores its records in ``my_history.pkl``: >>> history = DataSet(capacity=2, filename="my_history.pkl") Adding a new field: >>> history.add_field("state", 3, dtype=DataSet.DTYPE_FLOAT) >>> print history state: dim(2,) [] Adding a new data record: >>> import numpy as np >>> history.append("state", np.ones(3)) Add a new sequence: >>> history.new_sequence() Save the dataset to file: >>> """ DTYPE_OBJECT = np.object DTYPE_FLOAT = np.float64 DTYPE_INT = np.int32 def __init__(self, capacity=None, filename=None, append=None): self._sequence_index = -1 self._description = {} self._data = {} self._endmarker = {} self._dtype = {} self._capacity = capacity if capacity is not None else 10 self._append = append if append is not None else False self._filename = filename
[docs] def load(self, filename=None): """Load the records from file. If filename is ``None``, the record is loaded from the class variable filename. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file. Raises ------ ValueError If no filename is passed to the function and the member variable filename is `None` IOError If a file with the name does not exist. """ if self._append is False: return if filename is None: filename = self._filename if filename is None: raise ValueError("No filename specified.") try: data = load_from_file(filename) check_capacity = True for name in data: idx = name.find("_descr") if idx == -1: self._data[name] = data[name] self._dtype[name] = self._get_record_info(data[name][self._sequence_index][0])[1] self._endmarker[name] = self._data[name][self._sequence_index].shape[1] if check_capacity: self._capacity = data[name].shape[0] check_capacity = False continue self._description[name[:idx]] = data[name] self._sequence_index = self._capacity - 1 except IOError: pass
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Save the record to file. If filename is `None`, the record is saved to the class variable filename. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file Raises ------ ValueError If no filename is passed to the function and the member variable filename is `None`. Notes ----- If an error occurred during saving, the function fails silently. """ if filename is None: filename = self._filename if filename is None: raise ValueError("No filename specified.") data = {} description = {} for name in self.get_field_names(): data[name] = self._reduce(self._data[name], self._sequence_index + 1) data[name][self._sequence_index] = self._reduce(self._data[name][self._sequence_index], self._endmarker[name], axis=1) if name in self._description: description[name + "_descr"] = self._description[name] if self._description: data.update(description) save_to_file(filename, data)
def __str__(self): s = "" for name in self._data: s = s + name + ": dim" + str(self._data[name].shape) + "\n" + str( self._data[name][:self._endmarker[name]]) + "\n\n" return s def __getitem__(self, name): return self.get_field(name)
[docs] def get_field_names(self): """Returns all field names. Returns ------- tuple[str] : A list of field names. """ return tuple(self._data.keys())
[docs] def get_field(self, name): """Returns the field with the given name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the field. Returns ------- ndarray : If a field with that name exists, the field data is returned. """ if self.has_field(name): return self._data[name]
[docs] def has_field(self, name): """Checks if a field with that name exists. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the field. Returns ------- bool : Whether a field with that name exists. """ return name in self._data
[docs] def add_field(self, name, dim, dtype=None, description=None): """Add a field with given the specifications. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the field. dim : int The dimensions of the field dtype : dtype The :class:`numpy.dtype` for the underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray`. description : str An optional description of the field. """ if self._sequence_index < 0: self._sequence_index += 1 if name not in self._data: self._data[name] = np.zeros((self._capacity,), dtype=np.object) if description is not None: self._description[name] = description dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else np.float64 self._data[name][self._sequence_index] = np.zeros((dim, 50), dtype=dtype) self._dtype[name] = dtype self._endmarker[name] = 0
[docs] def append(self, name, data): """Append a new data record. Append a new data record to the current sequence of samples of the field with the given `name`. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the field. data : str or int or float or ndarray The data record. """ if name not in self._data: raise KeyError("Field '%s' not registered." % name) dim, size = self._data[name][self._sequence_index].shape if size <= self._endmarker[name]: self._data[name][self._sequence_index] = self._resize(self._data[name][self._sequence_index], shape=(dim, size * 2), axis=1, dtype=self._dtype[name]) if dim > 1: data = np.asarray(data, dtype=self._dtype[name]) self._data[name][self._sequence_index][:, self._endmarker[name]] = data self._endmarker[name] += 1
[docs] def new_sequence(self): """Adds a new sequence. Adds a new sequence of samples for all fields and increments the sequence counter. """ self._sequence_index += 1 resize = False if self._capacity <= self._sequence_index: self._capacity *= 2 resize = True for name in self.get_field_names(): if resize: self._data[name] = self._resize(self._data[name], shape=(self._capacity,), dtype=np.object) self._data[name][self._sequence_index - 1] = self._reduce(self._data[name][self._sequence_index - 1], self._endmarker[name], axis=1) dim = self._data[name][self._sequence_index - 1].shape[0] self._data[name][self._sequence_index] = np.zeros((dim, 50), dtype=self._dtype[name]) self._endmarker[name] = 0
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _resize(self, a, shape, axis=0, dtype=None): dtype = dtype if dtype is not None else np.float64 size = a.shape[axis] data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) if axis == 0: data[:size] = a elif axis == 1: data[:, :size] = a a = data return a # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _reduce(self, a, endmarker, axis=0): if axis == 0: return a[:endmarker] return a[:, :endmarker] # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _get_record_info(self, record): dim = 1 dtype = np.float64 try: r = record.tolist() except: r = record if isinstance(r, list): dim = len(r) r = r[0] if isinstance(r, basestring): dtype = np.object if isinstance(r, int): dtype = np.int32 return dim, dtype