Source code for mlpy.cluster.vq

.. module:: mlpy.cluster.vq
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: K-means clustering and vector quantization.

.. moduleauthor:: Astrid Jackson <>
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np

from ..stats import sq_distance, partitioned_mean, partitioned_sum, multivariate_normal
from ..optimize.utils import is_converged

[docs]def kmeans(x, k, n_iter=None, thresh=None, mean=None, fn_plot=None, return_assignment=False, return_err_hist=False, verbose=False): """Hard cluster data using kmeans. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`n`, `dim`) List of dim-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. k : int The number of clusters to fit. n_iter : int, optional Number of iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. Default is 1e-3. mean : array_like, shape (ncomponents,), optional Initial guess for the cluster centers. fn_plot : callable, optional A plotting callback function. return_assignment : bool, optional Whether to return the assignments or not. Default is False. return_err_hist : bool, optional Whether to return the error history. Default is False. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. Returns ------- ndarray or tuple : The cluster centers and optionally the assignments and error history. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.cluster.vq import kmeans .. note:: Ported from Matlab: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ optional_returns = return_assignment or return_err_hist n_iter = 100 if n_iter is None else n_iter thresh = 1e-3 if thresh is None else thresh n = x.shape[0] # Initialize if mean is None: # Initialize using k data points chosen at random perm = np.random.permutation(range(n)) # In the unlikely event of a tie, ensure the means are different v = np.var(x, 0) noise = multivariate_normal.rvs(np.zeros(v.size), 0.01 * np.diag(v), size=k) mean = x[perm[0:k]] + noise # Setup loop i = 0 err_hist = np.zeros(n_iter) prev_err = np.inf assign = None while True: dist = sq_distance(x, mean) assign = np.argmin(dist, 1) mean = partitioned_mean(x, assign, k) current_err = np.sum(np.min(partitioned_sum(dist, assign, k), 1)) / n """:type: float""" # display progress err_hist[i] = current_err if fn_plot: fn_plot(x, mean, assign, current_err, i) if verbose: print("iteration {0}, err={1}".format(i + 1, current_err)) # check convergence if is_converged(current_err, prev_err, thresh=thresh) or i >= n_iter - 1: break i += 1 prev_err = current_err err_hist = err_hist[0:i + 1] if not optional_returns: ret = mean else: ret = (mean,) if return_assignment: ret += (assign,) if return_err_hist: ret += (err_hist,) return ret