Source code for

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np

from ..auxiliary.datastructs import PriorityQueue, FIFOQueue
from . import ISearch, Node

[docs]class AStar(ISearch): """A* algorithm. This class implements the A* algorithm Parameters ---------- task : SearchTask The search task to perform """ def __init__(self, task): super(AStar, self).__init__(task) def f(n): return max(getattr(n, 'f', -np.inf), n.g + self._task.h(n)) self._frontier = PriorityQueue(f) self._frontier.push(Node(self._task.initial_state)) self._explored = FIFOQueue()
[docs] def get_results(self): """Display the search results visually.""" results = {} for node in self._explored: info = {} if self._task.is_terminal: info['terminal'] = True if node.state == self._task.initial_state: info['initial'] = True info['g'] = "{0:.2f}".format(node.g) info['h'] = "{0:.2f}".format(node.h) info['f'] = "{0:.2f}".format(node.g + node.h) results[node.state] = info return results
[docs] def search(self): """Perform the search. Performs the actual search for the optimal path using the A* algorithm """ while not self._frontier.empty(): current = self._frontier.pop() if self._task.is_terminal: self._explored.push(current) self._endnode = current return if current not in self._explored: self._explored.push(current) neighbors = current.expand(self._task) for neighbor in neighbors: node = self._explored.get(neighbor) if node: if node.g <= neighbor.g: continue self._explored.remove(node) else: node = self._frontier.get(neighbor) if node: if node.g <= neighbor.g: continue self._frontier.remove(node) self._frontier.push(neighbor)