
class mlpy.learners.offline.irl.ApprenticeshipLearner(obs, planner, method=None, max_iter=None, thresh=None, gamma=None, nsamples=None, max_steps=None, filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: mlpy.learners.offline.IOfflineLearner

The apprenticeship learner.

The apprenticeship learner is an inverse reinforcement learner, a method introduced by Abbeel and Ng [R2] which strives to imitate the demonstrations given by an expert.


obs : array_like, shape (n, nfeatures, ni)

List of trajectories provided by demonstrator, which the learner is trying to emulate, where n is the number of sequences, ni is the length of the i_th demonstration, and each demonstration has nfeatures features.

planner : IPlanner

The planner to use to determine the best action.

method : {‘projection’, ‘maxmargin’}, optional

The IRL method to employ. Default is projection.

max_iter : int, optional

The maximum number of iteration after which learning will be terminated. It is assumed that a policy close enough to the experts demonstrations was found. Default is inf.

thresh : float, optional

The learning is considered having converged to the demonstrations once the threshold has been reach. Default is eps.

gamma : float, optional

The discount factor. Default is 0.9.

nsamples : int, optional

The number of samples taken during Monte Carlo sampling. Default is 100.

max_steps : int, optional

The maximum number of steps in an iteration (during MonteCarlo sampling). Default is 100.

filename : str, optional

The name of the file to save the learner state to after each iteration. If None is given, the learner state is not saved. Default is None.

Other Parameters:

mix_policies : bool

Whether to create a new policy by mixing from policies seen so far or by considering the best valued action. Default is False.

rescale : bool

If set to True, the feature expectations are rescaled to be between 0 and 1. Default is False.

visualize : bool

Visualize each iteration of the IRL step if set to True. Default is False.


Method maxmargin using a QP solver to solve the following equation:

& \underset{t, w}{\text{maximize}} & & t \\
& \text{subject to} & & w^T \mu_E > w^T \mu^{(j)} + t, j=0, \ldots, i-1 \\
& & & ||w||_2 \le 1.

and mixing policies is realized by solving the quadratic problem:

& \text{minimize} & &  ||\mu_E - \mu||_2 \\
& \text{subject to} & & \mu = \sum_i (\lambda_i \mu^{(i)}) \\
& & & \lambda_i \ge 0 \\
& & & \sum_i \lambda_i = 1

The QP solver used for the implementation is the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer which requires a separate license. If you are unable to obtain a license, the ‘projection’ method can be used instead.


[R2](1, 2) Abbeel, Pieter, and Andrew Y. Ng. “Apprenticeship learning via inverse reinforcement learning.” Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning. ACM, 2004.


mid The module’s unique identifier.


choose_action(state) Choose the next action
end() End the episode.
init() Initialize the apprenticeship learner.
learn() Learn the optimal policy via apprenticeship learning.
load(filename) Load the state of the module from file.
save(filename) Save the current state of the module to file.
start() Start an episode.
step(experience) Execute learning specific updates.