Source code for mlpy.planners.discrete

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import math
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from . import IPlanner
from .explorers.discrete import DiscreteExplorer
from import Waiting
from import LoggingMgr

[docs]class ValueIteration(IPlanner): """ Planning through value Iteration. Parameters ---------- model : DiscreteModel The Markov decision model. explorer : Explorer, optional The exploration strategy to employ. Available explorers are: :class:`.EGreedyExplorer` With :math:`\\epsilon` probability, a random action is chosen, otherwise the action resulting in the highest q-value is selected. :class:`.SoftmaxExplorer` The softmax explorer varies the action probability as a graded function of estimated value. The greedy action is still given the highest selection probability, but all the others are ranked and weighted according to their value estimates. By default no explorer is used and the greedy action is chosen. gamma : float, optional The discount factor. Default is 0.9. ignore_unreachable : bool, optional Whether to ignore unreachable states or not. Unreachability is determined by how many steps a state is are away from the closest neighboring state. Default is False. Raises ------ AttributeError If both the Markov model and the planner define an explorer. Only one explorer can be specified. """ MAX_STEPS = 100 @property def model(self): """ The Markov decision process model. The Markov decision process model containing information about the states, actions, and their transitions and the reward function. Returns ------- IMDPModel : The model. """ return self._model def __init__(self, model, explorer=None, gamma=None, ignore_unreachable=False): super(ValueIteration, self).__init__(explorer) self._plot_num = 0 self._model = model """:type: IMDPModel""" if self._explorer is not None: variable = getattr(self._model, "_explorer", None) if variable is not None: raise AttributeError("There can be only one explorer. Either based on the model or of the planner.") if self._explorer is None: self._explorer = DiscreteExplorer() self._gamma = 0.9 if gamma is None else gamma self._ignore_unreachable = ignore_unreachable if ignore_unreachable is not None else False
[docs] def init(self): """Initialize value iteration planner.""" self._model.init()
[docs] def activate_exploration(self): """Turn the explorer on.""" super(ValueIteration, self).activate_exploration() func = getattr(self._model, "activate_exploration", None) if callable(func): func()
[docs] def deactivate_exploration(self): """Turn the explorer off.""" super(ValueIteration, self).deactivate_exploration() func = getattr(self._model, "deactivate_exploration", None) if callable(func): func()
[docs] def get_best_action(self, state): """Choose the best next action for the agent to take. Parameters ---------- state : MDPState The state for which to choose the action for. Returns ------- MDPAction : The best action. """ self._model.add_state(state) actions = self._model.get_actions(state) info = self._model.statespace[state] action = self._explorer.choose_action(actions, [info.q[a] for a in actions]) self._logger.debug("state=%s\tact=%s\tvalue=%.2f", state, action, self._model.statespace[state].q[action]) return action
[docs] def plan(self): """Plan for the optimal policy. Perform value iteration and build the Q-table. """ if self._ignore_unreachable: self._calculate_reachable_states() nloops = 0 max_error = 5000 min_error = 0.1 states_updated = 0 waiting = None if self._logger.level > LoggingMgr.LOG_DEBUG: waiting = Waiting("Perform value iteration") waiting.start() s0 = while max_error > min_error: self._logger.debug("max error: %0.5f nloops: %d", max_error, nloops) max_error = 0 nloops += 1 for state in self._model.statespace.keys(): info = self._model.statespace[state] self._logger.debug("\tState: id: %d: %s, Steps: %d",, state, info.steps_away) states_updated += 1 if self._ignore_unreachable and info.steps_away > 99999: self._logger.debug("\tState not reachable, ignoring") continue for action, mdl in info.models.iteritems(): newq = mdl.reward_func.get(state) for state2, prob in mdl.transition_proba: self._logger.debug("\t\tNext state is: %s, prob: %.2f", state2, prob) real_state = state2.is_valid() next_state = state2 if not real_state: next_state = state elif self._ignore_unreachable and info.steps_away >= ValueIteration.MAX_STEPS: next_state = state else: self._model.add_state(next_state) info2 = self._model.statespace[next_state] next_steps = info.steps_away + 1 if next_steps < info2.steps_away: info2.steps_away = next_steps maxq = max([info2.q[a] for a in self._model.get_actions(state2)]) newq += self._gamma * prob * maxq tderror = math.fabs(info.q[action] - newq) info.q[action] = newq if tderror > max_error: max_error = tderror self._logger.debug("\t\tTD error: %.5f Max error: %.5f", tderror, max_error) s1 = delta = s1 - s0 if waiting is not None: waiting.stop()"\tvalues computed with maxError: %.5f nloops: %d time: %d:%d states: %d", max_error, nloops, delta.seconds, delta.microseconds, states_updated) self._remove_unreachable_states()
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def visualize(self): """Visualize of the planning data. The results in the Q table are visualized via a heat map. """ nrows = 30 actions = self._model.get_actions() ncols = len(actions) num_states = len(self._model.statespace) data = np.zeros((num_states, len(actions))) ylabels = [None] * num_states for state, info in self._model.statespace.iteritems(): ylabels[ - 1] = state # TODO: check if that is correct: .encode() for i, act in enumerate(actions): data[ - 1][i] = info.q[act] decorated = [(i, tup[0], tup) for i, tup in enumerate(ylabels)] decorated.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) ylabels = [tup for i, second, tup in decorated] indices = [i for i, second, tup in decorated] data = np.array([data[i] for i in indices]) self._logger.debug("Q-table data".format(data[::-1])) h, w = data.shape nsubplots = int(math.ceil(h / float(nrows))) diff = (nsubplots * nrows) - h # noinspection PyTypeChecker data = np.lib.pad(data, ((0, diff), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) # noinspection PyTypeChecker ylabels.extend([""] * diff) h, w = data.shape # noinspection PyArgumentList,PyTypeChecker sdata = (data.reshape(h // nrows, nrows, -1, ncols) .swapaxes(1, 2) .reshape(-1, nrows, ncols)) dt ="%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S") with PdfPages("savedata/figures/plot {0}.pdf".format(dt)) as pdf: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, nsubplots, figsize=(10, 7), tight_layout=True) if nsubplots > 1: for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): self._add_subplot(fig, ax, sdata[i], ylabels[i * nrows:i * nrows + nrows]) else: self._add_subplot(fig, axes, sdata[0], ylabels[0:nrows]) fig.subplots_adjust(right=1.2, top=0.2) fig.suptitle("Plot #{0}".format(self._plot_num + 1), fontsize=10) self._plot_num += 1 pdf.savefig() plt.close()
def _create_policy(self, func=None): """Creates a policy (i.e., a state-action association). Parameters ---------- func : callable, optional A callback function for mixing policies. """ policy = {} # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if func and self._history and len(self._history.itervalues().next()) >= 2: lmda = np.cumsum(func(), dtype=float) for state, info in self._model.statespace.iteritems(): idx = np.argmax(lmda > np.random.random()) policy[state] = [self._history[state][idx]] else: for state, info in self._model.statespace.iteritems(): policy[state] = [self.get_best_action(state)] return policy def _calculate_reachable_states(self): """Identify the reachable states.""" for state, info in self._model.statespace.iteritems(): info.steps_away = 100000 for mdl in info.models.values(): if mdl.visits > 0: info.steps_away = 0 break def _remove_unreachable_states(self): """Remove unreachable states.""" if False and self._ignore_unreachable: for state in self._model.statespace.keys(): info = self._model.statespace[state] if info.steps_away > ValueIteration.MAX_STEPS: self._model.statespace.pop(state, None) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _add_subplot(self, fig, ax, data, ylabels): """Add a subplot.""" h, w = data.shape # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences heatmap = ax.pcolormesh(data, edgecolors='w', # put white lines between squares in heatmap ax.autoscale(tight=True) # get rid of whitespace in margins of heatmap ax.set_aspect('equal') # ensure heatmap cells are square ax.tick_params(bottom='on', top='off', left='on', right='off') # turn off ticks ax.set_yticks(np.arange(h) + 0.5) ax.set_yticklabels(np.arange(1, h + 1), size=7) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(w) + 0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(1, w + 1), size=7) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", "20%", pad="15%") cbar = fig.colorbar(heatmap, cax=cax) # Set the labels ax.set_xticklabels(self._model.get_actions(), minor=False, rotation=90) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels, minor=False)