
class mlpy.planners.discrete.ValueIteration(model, explorer=None, gamma=None, ignore_unreachable=False)[source]

Bases: mlpy.planners.IPlanner

Planning through value Iteration.


model : DiscreteModel

The Markov decision model.

explorer : Explorer, optional

The exploration strategy to employ. Available explorers are:


With \epsilon probability, a random action is chosen, otherwise the action resulting in the highest q-value is selected.


The softmax explorer varies the action probability as a graded function of estimated value. The greedy action is still given the highest selection probability, but all the others are ranked and weighted according to their value estimates.

By default no explorer is used and the greedy action is chosen.

gamma : float, optional

The discount factor. Default is 0.9.

ignore_unreachable : bool, optional

Whether to ignore unreachable states or not. Unreachability is determined by how many steps a state is are away from the closest neighboring state. Default is False.



If both the Markov model and the planner define an explorer. Only one explorer can be specified.


mid The module’s unique identifier.
model The Markov decision process model.


activate_exploration() Turn the explorer on.
choose_action(state[, use_policy]) Choose the optimal action for a state according to the current policy.
create_policy([func]) Creates a policy (i.e., a state-action association).
deactivate_exploration() Turn the explorer off.
get_best_action(state) Choose the best next action for the agent to take.
init() Initialize value iteration planner.
load(filename) Load the state of the module from file.
plan() Plan for the optimal policy.
save(filename) Save the current state of the module to file.
visualize() Visualize of the planning data.