
class mlpy.mdp.continuous.casml.CbVRetentionMethod(owner, tau=None)[source]

Bases: mlpy.knowledgerep.cbr.methods.IRetentionMethod

The retention method for the value case base implementation for CASML.

When the new problem-solving experience can be stored or not stored in memory, depending on the revision outcomes and the CBR policy regarding case retention.


owner : CaseBase

A pointer to the owning case base.

tau : float, optional

The maximum permitted error when comparing most similar solution. Default is 0.05.


The CASML retention method for the value case base considers query cases as predicted correctly if the query case is within the maximum permitted error \tau of the most similar solution case:

d(\text{case}, 1\text{NN}(C_V, \text{case})) < \tau


execute(case, case_matches) Execute the retention step.
plot_data(case, case_matches) Plot the data.