Source code for mlpy.environments.utils.webots.client

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import sys
import time
import socket

kLocalHost = ""
kDefaultPort = 12345
kRetryTimeout = 2

[docs]class WebotsClient(object): """Webots client. The Webots client works in conjunction with a controller specified for a supervisor. A sample controller can be found in `webots/controllers/serverc`. This controller listens on port `12345` for the following events: request reset Requests an environment reset from the controller. check goal Requests from the controller a check whether a goal was scored or not. The result of that check is send back to the client. Notes ----- When requested to reset, the client will request to reset the simulated environment in Webots from the controller. It is also possible to check if a goal was scored by calling the function :meth:`query` with the argument 'check goal'. This sends a request to the controller to check if a goal was scored. """ RECV_BUFFER = 256 def __init__(self): super(WebotsClient, self).__init__() self._sock = None def __str__(self): return "Webots Pro version 8.0"
[docs] def connect(self, host=kLocalHost, port=kDefaultPort, retry_timeout=kRetryTimeout): """Connect to the server (controller). Parameters ---------- host : str, optional The host the controller listens to. Default is `` port : int, optional The port the controller listens to. If using the client in conjunction with controller `serverc` the port number is `12345`. Default is 12345. retry_timeout: int, optional The time before retrying to connect in seconds. Default is 2. """ print(str(self)) print("\tConnecting to " + host + " on port " + str(port) + "...") sys.stdout.flush() while self._sock is None: try: self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self._sock.connect((host, port)) self._sock.setblocking(0) except socket.error, msg: self._sock = None time.sleep(retry_timeout) else: break print("\t Connected to Webots")
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection.""" if self._sock: self._sock.close()
[docs] def reset(self, host=kLocalHost, port=kDefaultPort, retry_timeout=kRetryTimeout): """Reset the environment and all agents. A request is send to the controller to reset the environment. Once the environment is reset all agents acting in the environment are reset. Parameters ---------- host : str, optional The host the controller listens to. Default is `` port : int, optional The port the controller listens to. If using the client in conjunction with controller `serverc` the port number is `12345`. Default is 12345. retry_timeout: int, optional The time before retrying to connect in seconds. Default is 2. """ if self._sock is not None: self._sock.send("request reset") done = False while not done: try: data = self._sock.recv(WebotsClient.RECV_BUFFER) self._log(data) if data == "reset requested": time.sleep(5) self._sock = None self.connect(host, port, retry_timeout) done = True except socket.error: pass else: self.connect(host, port, retry_timeout)
[docs] def query(self, msg): """Query the server (controller). Parameters ---------- msg : str The message send to the controller. Returns ------- The result returned by the controller. Notes ----- The Webots environment works in conjunction with a controller specified for a supervisor. When querying the controller, a request with the `msg` is send to the controller which extracts the information and returns the results. """ self._sock.send(msg) while True: try: return self._sock.recv(WebotsClient.RECV_BUFFER) except socket.error: pass
def _log(self, text): print(str(self) + ": " + text)