Source code for mlpy.stats.models.mixture

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from six.moves import range

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

from ...optimize.algorithms import EM
from ...auxiliary.array import normalize
from ...cluster.vq import kmeans

from ...stats import multivariate_normal, multivariate_student, conditional_normal, conditional_student
from ...stats import canonize_labels, normalize_logspace, shrink_cov, randpd, stacked_randpd

__all__ = ['MixtureModel', 'DiscreteMM', 'GMM', 'StudentMM']

def _process_parameters(ncomponents, mix_prior=None, mix_weight=None):

    if mix_prior is None:
        mix_prior = 2
    mix_prior = np.asarray(mix_prior, dtype=float)

    if mix_prior.ndim == 0:
        m = mix_prior
        mix_prior = m * np.ones(ncomponents)
    if mix_prior.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError("Array 'mix_prior' must be at most one-dimensional,"
                         " but mix_prior.ndim = %d" % mix_prior.ndim)
    if mix_prior.shape[0] != ncomponents:
        raise ValueError("Array 'mix_prior' must have %d elements,"
                         " but mix_prior.shape[0] = %d" % (ncomponents, mix_prior.shape[0]))

    if mix_weight is not None:
        if mix_weight.ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError("Array 'mix_weight' must be at most one-dimensional,"
                             " but mix_weight.ndim = %d" % mix_weight.ndim)
    if mix_weight.shape[0] != ncomponents:
        raise ValueError("Array 'mix_weight' must have %d elements,"
                         " but mix_weight.shape[0] = %d" % (ncomponents, mix_weight.shape[0]))

    return ncomponents, mix_prior, mix_weight

# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class MixtureModel(EM): """Mixture model base class. Representation of a mixture model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a distribution. Parameters ---------- ncomponents : int, optional Number of mixture components. Default is 1. prior : normal_invwishart, optional A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : float or array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Mixture weights. n_iter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. EM iterations will stop when average gain in log-likelihood is below this threshold. Default is 1e-4. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. Attributes ---------- ncomponents : int Number of mixture components. dim : int Dimensionality of the each component. prior : normal_invwishart A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Mixture weights. cond_proba : cond_rv_frozen Conditional probability distribution. n_iter : int Number of EM iterations to perform. thresh : float Convergence threshold. verbose : bool Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.stats.models.mixture import GMM >>> m = GMM() .. note:: Adapted from Matlab: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, ncomponents=1, prior=None, mix_prior=None, mix_weight=None, n_iter=None, thresh=None, verbose=None): super(MixtureModel, self).__init__(n_iter, thresh, verbose) self.dim = 1 self.cond_proba = None self.prior = prior self.ncomponents, self.mix_prior, self.mix_weight = _process_parameters(ncomponents, mix_prior, mix_weight) @abstractmethod
[docs] def sample(self, size=1): """Generate random samples from the model. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Default is 1. Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of samples Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score_samples(self, x): """Return the per-sample likelihood of the data under the model. Compute the log probability of x under the model and return the posterior distribution (responsibilities) of each mixture component for each element of x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of `dim`-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- responsibilities : array_like, shape (`size`, `ncomponents`) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation. loglik : array_like, shape (size,) Log probabilities of each data point in `x`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def score(self, x, y=None): """Compute the log probability under the model. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (size, dim) List of dim-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. y : Not used. Returns ------- logp : array_like, shape (`size`,) Log probabilities of each data point in `x`. """ _, logp = self.score_samples(x) return logp
[docs] def predict(self, x): """Predict label for data. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) Returns ------- C : array, shape = (`size`,) """ responsibilities, _ = self.score_samples(x) return responsibilities.argmax(axis=1)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, x): """ Predict posterior probability of data under the model. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) Returns ------- responsibilities : array_like, shape = (`nsamples`, `ncomponents`) Returns the probability of the sample for each Gaussian (state) in the model. """ responsibilities, logp = self.score_samples(x) return responsibilities
[docs] def fit(self, x, n_init=1): """Fit the mixture model from the data `x`. Estimate model parameters with the expectation-maximization algorithm. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`n`, `dim`) List of dim-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. n_init : int, optional Number of random restarts to avoid a local minimum. Default is 1. """ self.dim = x.shape[1] return self._em(x, n_init=n_init)
def _compute_mix_prior(self): """ Compute the weighted mixture prior probabilities. Returns ------- float : The weighted mixture priors. """ if np.all(self.mix_prior == 1): return 0 return, (self.mix_prior - 1)) def _estep(self, x): mix_weight, ll = self.score_samples(x) self.cond_proba.expected_sufficient_statistics(x, mix_weight) loglik = np.sum(ll) + self.cond_proba.logprior() + self._compute_mix_prior() return loglik def _mstep(self): self.mix_weight = normalize(self.cond_proba.wsum + self.mix_prior - 1)
[docs]class DiscreteMM(MixtureModel): """Discrete mixture model class. Representation of a discrete mixture model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a distribution. Parameters ---------- ncomponents : int, optional Number of mixture components. Default is 1. prior : normal_invwishart, optional A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : float or array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Mixture weights. transmat : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`, `ncomponents`), optional Matrix of transition probabilities between states. alpha : float Value of Dirichlet prior on observations. Default is 1.1 (1=MLE) n_iter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. EM iterations will stop when average gain in log-likelihood is below this threshold. Default is 1e-4. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. Attributes ---------- ncomponents : int Number of mixture components. dim : int Dimensionality of the each component. prior : normal_invwishart A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Mixture weights. transmat : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`, `ncomponents`) Matrix of transition probabilities between states. alpha : float Value of Dirichlet prior on observations. cond_proba : cond_rv_frozen Conditional probability distribution. n_iter : int Number of EM iterations to perform. thresh : float Convergence threshold. verbose : bool Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.stats.models.mixture import DiscreteMM >>> m = DiscreteMM() .. note:: Adapted from Matlab: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ def __init__(self, ncomponents=1, prior=None, mix_prior=None, mix_weight=None, transmat=None, alpha=None, n_iter=None, thresh=None, verbose=None): super(DiscreteMM, self).__init__(ncomponents, prior, mix_prior, mix_weight, n_iter, thresh, verbose) self.transmat = transmat self.alpha = alpha if alpha is not None else 1.1
[docs] def sample(self, size=1): """Generate random samples from the model. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Default is 1. Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of samples Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score_samples(self, x): """Return the per-sample likelihood of the data under the model. Compute the log probability of x under the model and return the posterior distribution (responsibilities) of each mixture component for each element of x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of `dim`-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- responsibilities : array_like, shape (`size`, `ncomponents`) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation. loglik : array_like, shape (size,) Log probabilities of each data point in `x`. """ n, dim = x.shape logp = np.log(self.mix_weight) logt = np.log(self.cond_proba.T + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) lijk = np.zeros((n, dim, self.ncomponents)) x = canonize_labels(x) for i in range(dim): ndx = ~np.isnan(x[:, i]) lijk[ndx, i] = logt[:, x[ndx, i], i].T logpz = logp + np.squeeze(np.sum(lijk, 1)) logpz, ll = normalize_logspace(logpz) pz = np.exp(logpz) return pz, ll
def _initialize(self, x, init_count): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GMM(MixtureModel): """Gaussian mixture model class. Representation of a gaussian mixture model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a distribution. Parameters ---------- ncomponents : int, optional Number of mixture components. Default is 1. prior : normal_invwishart, optional A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : float or array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Mixture weights. mean : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`) Mean parameters for each state. cov : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`, `nfeatures`) Covariance parameters for each state. n_iter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. EM iterations will stop when average gain in log-likelihood is below this threshold. Default is 1e-4. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. Attributes ---------- ncomponents : int Number of mixture components. dim : int Dimensionality of the each component. prior : normal_invwishart A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Mixture weights. mean : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`) Mean parameters for each state. cov : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`, `nfeatures`) Covariance parameters for each state. cond_proba : conditional_normal A :data:`.conditional_normal` probability distribution. n_iter : int Number of EM iterations to perform. thresh : float Convergence threshold. verbose : bool Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.stats.models.mixture import GMM >>> m = GMM() .. note:: Adapted from Matlab: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ @property def mean(self): """Mean parameters of the emission. Returns ------- array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`) : The mean parameters. """ return self.cond_proba.mean @property def cov(self): """Covariance parameters of the emission. array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`, `nfeatures`): Covariance parameters. """ return self.cond_proba.cov def __init__(self, ncomponents=1, prior=None, mix_prior=None, mix_weight=None, mean=None, cov=None, n_iter=None, thresh=None, verbose=None): super(GMM, self).__init__(ncomponents, prior, mix_prior, mix_weight, n_iter, thresh, verbose) if mean is not None and cov is not None: self.cond_proba = conditional_normal(mean, cov, self.prior)
[docs] def sample(self, size=1): """Generate random samples from the model. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Default is 1. Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of samples Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score_samples(self, x): """Return the per-sample likelihood of the data under the model. Compute the log probability of x under the model and return the posterior distribution (responsibilities) of each mixture component for each element of x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of `dim`-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- responsibilities : array_like, shape (`size`, `ncomponents`) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation. loglik : array_like, shape (size,) Log probabilities of each data point in `x`. """ n = x.shape[0] logp = np.log(self.mix_weight) logpz = np.zeros((n, self.ncomponents)) for i in range(self.ncomponents): logpz[:, i] = logp[i] + multivariate_normal.logpdf(x, self.cond_proba.mean[i], self.cond_proba.cov[i]) logpz, ll = normalize_logspace(logpz) pz = np.exp(logpz) return pz, ll
def _initialize(self, x, init_count): if init_count == 0: if self.cond_proba is None and self.mix_weight is None: mean, assign = kmeans(x, self.ncomponents, return_assignment=True) cov = np.zeros((self.ncomponents, self.dim, self.dim)) counts = np.zeros(self.ncomponents) for i in range(self.ncomponents): # noinspection PyTypeChecker ndx = np.nonzero(assign == i) counts[i] = np.size(ndx) c = shrink_cov(x[ndx]) cov[i] = c self.mix_weight = normalize(counts) for i in range(self.ncomponents): if np.any(np.isnan(cov[i])): cov[i] = randpd(self.dim) self.cond_proba = conditional_normal(mean, cov, self.prior, algorithm="map") else: mean = np.random.randn(self.dim, self.ncomponents) regularizer = 2 cov = stacked_randpd(self.dim, self.ncomponents, regularizer) self.mix_weight = normalize(np.random.rand(self.ncomponents, 1) + 2) self.cond_proba = conditional_normal(mean, cov, self.prior, algorithm="map")
[docs]class StudentMM(GMM): """Student mixture model class. Representation of a student mixture model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a distribution. Parameters ---------- ncomponents : int, optional Number of mixture components. Default is 1. prior : normal_invwishart, optional A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : float or array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,), optional Mixture weights. mean : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`) Mean parameters for each state. cov : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`, `nfeatures`) Covariance parameters for each state. df : array, shape (`ncomponents`,) Degrees of freedom. n_iter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform. Default is 100. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. EM iterations will stop when average gain in log-likelihood is below this threshold. Default is 1e-4. verbose : bool, optional Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Default is False. Attributes ---------- ncomponents : int Number of mixture components. dim : int Dimensionality of the each component. prior : normal_invwishart A :data:`.normal_invwishart` distribution. mix_prior : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Prior mixture probabilities. mix_weight : array_like, shape (`ncomponents`,) Mixture weights. mean : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`) Mean parameters for each state. cov : array, shape (`ncomponents`, `nfeatures`, `nfeatures`) Covariance parameters for each state. df : array, shape (`ncomponents`,) Degrees of freedom. cond_proba : conditional_student A :data:`.conditional_student` probability distribution. n_iter : int Number of EM iterations to perform. thresh : float Convergence threshold. verbose : bool Controls if debug information is printed to the console. Examples -------- >>> from mlpy.stats.models.mixture import StudentMM >>> m = StudentMM() .. note:: Adapted from Matlab: | Project: `Probabilistic Modeling Toolkit for Matlab/Octave <>`_. | Copyright (2010) Kevin Murphy and Matt Dunham | License: `MIT <>`_ """ def __init__(self, ncomponents=1, prior=None, mix_prior=None, mix_weight=None, mean=None, cov=None, df=None, n_iter=None, thresh=None, verbose=None): super(StudentMM, self).__init__(ncomponents, prior, mix_prior, mix_weight, mean, cov, n_iter, thresh, verbose) self.df = 10 * np.ones(self.ncomponents) if df is None else df if mean is not None and cov is not None: self.cond_proba = conditional_student(mean, cov, self.df, self.prior)
[docs] def sample(self, size=1): """Generate random samples from the model. Parameters ---------- size : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Default is 1. Returns ------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of samples Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the child class does not implement this function. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def score_samples(self, x): """Return the per-sample likelihood of the data under the model. Compute the log probability of x under the model and return the posterior distribution (responsibilities) of each mixture component for each element of x. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (`size`, `dim`) List of `dim`-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- responsibilities : array_like, shape (`size`, `ncomponents`) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation. loglik : array_like, shape (size,) Log probabilities of each data point in `x`. """ n = x.shape[0] logp = np.log(self.mix_weight) logpz = np.zeros((n, self.ncomponents)) for i in range(self.ncomponents): logpz[:, i] = logp[i] + multivariate_student.logpdf(x, self.cond_proba.mean[i], self.cond_proba.cov[i], self.cond_proba.df) logpz, ll = normalize_logspace(logpz) pz = np.exp(logpz) return pz, ll
def _initialize(self, x, init_count): if self.cond_proba is None: super(StudentMM, self)._initialize(x, init_count) self.cond_proba = conditional_student(self.cond_proba.mean, self.cond_proba.cov, self.df, self.prior)